4 Reasons that dedicated models are a great Idea

Large families and those who bulk-shop like having allot of space to store their food. In general its way worse to have too little space than to have too much. While a large sized refrigerator is a great solution for many , some homeowners have chosen, instead, to move towards separate refrigerator and freezer models. Sounds illogical or overblown? In this article we will describe why this is actually quite a smart choice.

More space:

Traditional refrigerator freezer combos tend to max out around 34 CU. Separate refrigerator and freezer models, however, allow you to very easily have a whopping 40-50 CU or more of total space. Thats a significant difference that both a large family and a bulk-shopper can really appreciate. Choosing your refrigerator and freezer separately also means that you're going to have more control of how large each component is, making it easier to suit your particular shopping style.

Style, Flexibility and Accessibility

Aesthetically, separating freezer and refrigerator into two models makes for a very high-end impression. To make it even better separate freezer and refrigerator models are still a luxury item and are often very well built, taking full advantage of their minimalistic one door silhouettes to provide you with the utmost in elegance and style.

Having a separate freezer and refrigerator model also provides you with a unique opportunity to customise your kitchen space. Since the two models do not have to be used side by side you can easily place the freezer on one end of the kitchen and the refrigerator on another. This can both be practical and also incredibly stylish .

Additionally, will be able to store more items at eye level. This typically can be especially useful for older people or children.

Better for temperature control

When you have separate refrigerators and freezer models each model only has to do one thing: Either freeze or refrigerate. In a traditional model which combines both freezer and refrigerator you generally only have one compressor to do both tasks. You only see separate (dedicated) compressors in the most expensive traditional refrigerator models. They are included for one reason and one reason only : Separating the two offers better performance! You're always going to get that performance boost with a dedicated refrigerator/freezer solution! Always! That's an incredible advantage.

The fact that frozen and cold items are stored in different spaces also means that you won't suffer from temperature variation caused by the two spaces being literally joined at the seams. This allows each unit to have stronger temperature control which will lead logically to better freshness for your food.

Separate ventilation and evaporation:

Traditional refrigerators use evaporator and airflow systems to keep air moving, to aid in cooling and to avoid frosting. Separate systems can do this even more effectively since they are focused on one area to ventilate instead of two.

So... Are there any drawbacks?

Yes, We'd say there are two. One the price. Separate models tend to be more expensive in combination than a cheap tradition refrigerator freezer combo. So, if you're planning on spending less, a combined model may very well be the way to go. Also, if you have considerable wall space concerns traditional refrigerators tend to be more compact in this area.


If you want extra space ,enjoy the style difference , can deal with the augmentation in price and have enough wall space, a separate refrigerator and freezer model may be a great option for your family. While there's absolutely northing wrong with a traditional refrigerator for most homeowners, separating the two units can give you interesting advantages in the style, accessibility, space and performance departments .